social practice


Buy My Art and Call it Holy


The third installment of the “Buy It Call It Trilogy” was Buy My Art & Call it Holy, a week-long exploration of senses and experiences. It included a night of meditation where we sat and meditated to whale calls, a night of sensuality where a menu of senses guided us to have slow and embodied experiences, a night of movement where we danced and a night of abundance where we feasted on conversation, locally grown food and each other’s company. This project proclaimed that our living is art and it is holy.

Role: Director, Curator and Artist

Safe Routes to Parks Durham

October 2019

In partnership with Hayti Heritage Center, NC Department of Transportation and the Safe Routes to Parks program, Derrick Beasley and I designed and installed a temporary cross walk. The neighborhood desires safer crossing across Fayetteville Street and this modeled how it can be done in a culturally-competent and aesthetically-pleasing way. Community members came out and helped us paint the crosswalk on a warm summer morning.

Roles: Artist Team co-lead, Volunteer management and Installation support

Black Joy Popup


A culture intervention and invitation that created spaces for Black people to practice joy in public and on purpose. Created the week that Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were murdered, Derrick Beasley and I collaborated to create a community event to lift up our people. Armed with art supplies, 2 speakers and coolers filled with icees, over 100 Black people gathered in Downtown Durham to practice joy together. And then the African drummers showed up and we danced! We continued this practice of inviting people out to make art and play.

Role: Co-founder and co-curator